Just wanted to say thank you for helping me ‘Make a shift’ in my life! I already see it in my job- a 400% increase in sales for last week! This was a company first to ever achieve that many referrals in one week. Even after the company’s 30 plus years in the business. Again, Thank you! I truly believe this is a Divine Gift!
Mike H., Sales
My first session with her was absolutely amazing. We worked on my inability to create healthy, reciprocating loving relationships. When the session was over, I saw myself in the mirror. I looked 10 years younger and felt like I could climb Mount Everest! Light was pouring out of my eyes.
Gerardo R. Cantu, MA Spiritual Psychology
I am in such awe of the potency and efficiency of a session with Karen and Theta Healing. Karen is amazingly intuitive and insightful and has laser focus when it comes to identifying and clearing energy blockages. She helped me make huge strides in a major life overhaul at a critical juncture of my transition. I feel optimistic, encouraged, and strengthened after every session.
Monica K., Business consultant

A friend referred me to Karen when I was going through a major emotional and spiritual awakening. In just a few sessions with Karen, I dramatically accelerated my journey from self-defeatism to self-realization – from an awareness of my impediments to crystallizing their drivers, from a nagging fear I wasn’t living my purpose to embracing and working from my seat of power. And I learned how to best guide myself. A damp fog has lifted; I now shine my light. Karen’s is intuition far beyond mine, and I am forever grateful to be given access to it.
Kati S., Business owner and author
Theta healing has been a phenomenal experience for me. It has enlightened all aspects of my life, by providing a clear, and positive frame of reference for me to make my everyday life decisions with. Moreover, it has helped me deal with and overcome the issues from throughout my lifetime and beyond. All in all, this experience can only be described as a breath of fresh air and a shedding of enormous weight off of my mind, body and soul. Thank you Karen!
Sharon K., Real Estate Developer
I knew nothing about Theta Healing and I went with a skeptical but open mind. I was blown away!! I have attended many workshops, healing sessions, guru enlightenments, etc. but this was the most profound, almost instantaneous, shift I have ever experienced. I am still resonating with the wonderful energy and newfound openness I experienced. There has been an amazing shift in my personal life and a sense of relaxed wholeness I can only invite you to experience. Karen is kind, extremely empathetic, and possesses the magic of a true healer. I know you will benefit from what she offers.
J. Petrie, Teacher

What took years to release in therapy became cleared in a few minutes; chronic life themes resolved in a few short months. As a result, long-term dreams are being realized and new, exciting interests are coming into view. The realm of the impossible has become actual.
R. Murphy, Acupuncturist
I highly recommend Karen Abrams as a Theta Healer. Every single time I have experienced relief as a direct result of her work. She has helped me immensely with becoming a better human being and living up to my full potential.
Steve Parker, Theta Healer and Businessman
Karen thanks so much, it’s been a long, long, long time since I’ve felt so safe to share what was inside, and not feel judged, or afraid, thank you with all my heart for creating such a sacred safe space for my heart to open. Blessings to you.
Gloria A., Entrepreneur, Artist, Host

Theta Healing with Karen Abrams has absolutely CHANGED MY LIFE..in healing negative thinking patterns and grief that was holding me back..Karen Abrams is truly a gift from God…I am forever grateful…
G.A., Actor, Designer, Business Owner
I have worked with many energy healers, but I continue to work with Karen on a regular basis because she consistently shows powerful insight into the underlying causes of what is really going on in my life. She is a gifted intuitive, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to do Theta Healing with Karen, and plan to do many more in the future.
Brent Phillips, Theta Healer
“Prior to meeting Karen, fear of success was preventing me from stepping into my success and embracing my music career.
When I couldn’t see it happening, she kept me on track. Now, I’ve had more music opportunities drop in my lap than ever before. Theta healing and working with Karen has been life changing. . .And that’s an understatement !”
Ryan M

“I don’t worry about money anymore, which is why I get more sleep now.”
Rachel S
“Working with Karen has jump started my business again. For months and months I had little to no clients and since we cleared some of my deepest issues, more and more referrals have been coming in and my days are filled with clients instead of being busy with worrying about my future. Thank you Karen, I am so grateful! “
Lynn M
“Made peace with my dad. Hadn’t spoken to him in 6 months. I’ve been open with my emotions and have been getting so much compassion and love from family members.”
Sergio D

I have never experienced such clean and clear healing. This work gets straight to your core. It enables you to heal easily, gently, and gracefully.
R. Tepper, Founder Santa Monica Center of Healing Arts
I tested positive for colon cancer on a Friday. On Sunday I had a Theta session with Karen. The following day I had a colonoscopy and it was clear. I am so grateful to Karen for her help on my healing journey.
Gary G., Teacher
After a session with Karen Abrams I feel like a layer of heaviness has been peeled from my body.
Vivian Eisenstadt, Physical Therapist