We get into business to create a life on our own terms.

We want to be able to have great health, abundant finances, and have meaningful time with our loved ones.

If any one of these areas gets out of balance, it affects your business. Making Business Life Happen gives you the resources to access the right meditation at the moment you need it.

Theta Healing meditations created to support entrepreneurs on their journey to success.

“Making Business Life Happen” program contains  25 mp3 recordings of more than 10 hours of easy-to-understand and easy-to-practice Theta Healing meditations and exercises designed to help with virtually every aspect of your life, including:

Matters of the heart

Building healthy relationships

Your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being

Getting better sleep

Clearing clutter from your life

Improving your home environment

Money/business matters

…and much, MUCH more!

BUY NOW — mp3 Recordings

Purchase more than 10 hours of Theta Healing Guidance and Expertise in 25 individual mp3 recordings  for just $197 USD.

I am blown away by the magnitude of change that has settled in and more grateful than words can say.


Incredible VALUE

Individual and group Theta Sessions often cost HUNDREDS or more per session . With this SPECIAL offer, you get 25 mp3 recordings of THETA MEDITATIONS and EXERCISES valued at $3,000, that you can listen to again and again for only $197!

Theta healing has been a phenomenal experience for me. It has enlightened all aspects of my life, by providing a clear, and positive frame of reference for me to make my everyday life decisions with. It can only be described as a breath of fresh air and a shedding of enormous weight off of my mind, body and soul. Thank you Karen!

Sharon K

Making Business Life Happen is your treasure chest of deep healings on:

  • Money
  • Love
  • Family Relationships
  • Mindset
  • Relaxation
  • Health
  • Business
  • Sleep
  • Enhancing Your Gut Instinct
  • Productivity

Click here for the complete list

Within 10 minutes of working with Karen for the first time, I felt a blissful, peace and serenity in my body, mind and soul. Within 24 hours I experienced dramatic results in my life. Within days I had lasting and permanent healing on an emotional, spiritual and physical level.

Lori Spagna

Building your own business is a powerful vehicle for self-development.  How well you do is always on you. If at any moment in time, you get toppled or feel off your game, you can pull one of these recordings to help support you in your journey.  

I’ve curated this specific library of content to give you the support you need the moment you need it. 

 with love and gratitude,
